
Or Zarua, Reconstructionist Havurah of the East Bay, is an open and growing Jewish spiritual community based on Reconstructionist principles and practices. We share participatory prayer, study, and celebration. Since the spring of 2004, we've been gathering monthly for Shabbat, holidays and life cycle events.

We are a community of families with children and adults without children, GBLTQI folks, Jews by birth or by choice, and their partners and families. We strive to make a place for shared intellectual and spiritual growth, exploring Jewish traditions, and connecting with a community of other committed Jews.

You are welcome to join us on the first Saturday of the month for Shabbat services and lunch or for any of our other activities: our High Holy Days gatherings, camping in Tilden Park in the spring, movie nights, discussions, our quarterly Friday night services and dinner. To find out more about our next events, please see the calendar. Or contact us to sign up for the announcements email list.