We will gather from 10:00 am to 12:15 pm, and on the Zoom link (below) to celebrate Shabbat.
This service will include a special celebration of the upcoming wedding of Marnina Schon Wirtschafter and Micah O'Konis.
It is customary to call wedding celebrants up for an aliya and blessing, in a tradition known by the Yiddish name "aufruf". Marnina and Micah will be leading several songs, beginning in the the first part of the Shabbat morning service.
In addition to family and Or Zarua members leading other parts of the service, we will have a special guest speaker for our d'rash. Reconstructing Judaism is observing a "Reparations Shabbaton" at this time, and we are honored to have Sabrina Sojourner speak on a topic related to reparations. Sabrina is the co-chair of the Reconstructionist movement's Tikkun Olam Commission.
We'll also have a catered kiddush lunch. We'd appreciate an RSVP to to help us plan.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Kol tuv,
Joshua and Diane
Zoom link for Or Zarua:
Meeting ID: 688 039 1088
Passcode: uplift